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January 19, 2006



Hey this was great and highly interesting! I like you cooking style as a kid! And that you are a compulsive cook! well I like it all actually!


Thank you Ilva,...some things never change :)


This was a super trip through your life, Melissa. I can't say I had the "let me cook it myself" experiences as a child. I tended to eat the produce of my mother's garden and, with cooking, help her cut and stir and stuff. A sous-chef, I guess ;-) I'm glad you have focussed so much on us English speakers. What a charming woman we would have missed otherwise. Does this mean you speak three languages? Portugese, Spanish and English? Or are there more? ;)
I eat flowers too but not on a very regular basis. I'm so interested that you make flower remedies. I don't know much about it but I hear good things all the time.
Alas, I watch TV a bit too much these days. I really have to find some other way to focus my thoughts after a long day with kids on the verge of hormone-city. It's exhausting mentally. I've lost my verve lately and am abandoning recipe testing when it's probably just the thing I need. Kick me in the rear, would you?

I am the eldest too in my family. I have a younger sister who has taken baking and pastry in school but who is currently a pet groomer (she is magic with animals).

I'm letting the image of your port experience (mmmm... port) taking me smiling to work.



I sent you another


Very interesting! :-)


No había venido a este blog, no entiendo por qué. Está super chévere. Muy interesante... Muy apetitoso!
Saludos, Jackie


Hola Jacqueline!!! gracias por visitar mi "otro blog". Es un poco dificil de accesar desde el de cookingdiva. Es por eso que trato de publicar aca e incluir links en CD! Abrazos y Feliz Dia del Amor y la Amistad :)

Melissa (desde Ecuador)

Leda Moreno

Hi There,
Liked your blog. I also make panamannian flower essences. We should get in touch.

FLower Girl

hey its amazing...highly informative....nice blog...its really a fantastic trip....thanks for sharing.....


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