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« Meme: 10 things you never knew about me... | Main | Poema: "Tio Juancho", por Ruben Villalobos »

March 01, 2006



Melissa, thank you for posting this poem. Sadly, it certainly speaks the truth.

I like to think that there is some hope for these lost arts, though. One of the most wonderful discoveries I've made since beginning The Quince is learning of so many talented, curious and enthusiastic cooks all over the world. It's heartening to know that there are people taking the time to cook, bake, and share their wonderful food discoveries with similarly like-minded individuals. Maybe all is not lost!

Anyway, thanks for sharing your marvellous commitment to culinary arts with us!


sigh... how true! I hope you are well and thank you for the milk candy recipe!

online doctor

beautiful poems, when i was young i used to cream to expert also in the field of cooking.


RckAq9 Good point. I hadn't toguhht about it quite that way. :)

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