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« A Poem: "A Lost Art" by John N. Hilliard | Main | Free Hao Wu! »

March 05, 2006


Gabrielle Carrassquilla

I was looking for a Ruben Bladez song in the web, when I came across this website for a recipe of Aji Chombo. I look at the site for a few moments when I came across the Poem of Mr. Ruben Villalobos "Tio Juancho" I was not ready to be affected by such a beautiful poem. I have lived in the midwest for the past 11 years or so. As I read the poem I remember the exact words from aunts and family members that I had left behind so long ago. It brought back as a flood memories that had so long been buried. As I finished the poem I was surprised to see my "Gringos" colleagues looking at me with sad faces as I realized that I was crying with melancholy, amuzement, loss,excitement and hope of returning one day to my native country. For that I thank you. God Bless you.

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The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything --- or nothing.


What a truly great piece

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I am in accordance completely!!!

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Your totally right on this one!

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