Today I read an excellent article (Fixing an Epileptic Pug, by Bob Wallace) and was very happy to learn that I am not the only one feeding my dogs good, healthy, fresh food. Not the horrible kibble most of the people feed their beloved pets, not knowing they are actually making them sick.
I am quoting this paragraph from the BARF website:
"BARF is an acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food and also stands for Bones And Raw Food. Other apt terms include evolutionary diet, natural diet and species appropriate diet. Every living animal requires a biologically appropriate diet. If you think about it, not one animal on earth is adapted by evolution to eat a cooked food diet. This means our BARF World diet is exactly what we should be feeding to our pets."
Actually, we -humans- will all be healthy IF we put ourselves on this kind of diet. BUT, to tell you the truth I do not feel like eating raw liver and bones every day! So, to make sure WE are eating the best, I do all my shopping selecting always the freshest and more colorful fruits, vegetables and meats.
The raw food principle is not new. Some groups have tried for many many years to educate US about nutrition. One of my favorite is The Weston A. Price Foundation, with their -Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts- magazine. They are a GREAT source of knowledge.
Have a fantastic weekend!
P.S. Take a look at this photo album and meet my two beloved companions: Silky-Lu (weimaraner) and Hannibal (basset hound). They BARF every day and love it!
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