Only rarely do visitors to Peru become acquainted with the popular native drink, called "Chicha Morada", or Purple Punch, unless they have the good fortune to be entertained in some of the native homes, or attended a strictly Peruvian party. Soon after my arrival in Lima, I attended a -fiesta- in the home of an old-line Peruvian family, who prided themselves, among other things, on their recipes which have been handed down from generation to generation from early colonial times.
...what are you waiting to try this fantastic drink, well kept in the heart of the Peruvian tradition?
At the buffet, I discovered this interesting beverage. It's color first attracted me. It looked like the most delicious grape juice, but in the glass, held to the light, it had the fine ruby-red light of raspberry jelly. After a sip, I learned that it tasted as good as it looked: delicious, refreshing and MORE-ish.
It was not opportune to ask the recipe from my hostess then, BUT I did NOT forget this great beverage and finally secured the following instructions:
- 1-1/4 pounds dried dark red corn on the cob
- 1 medium pineapple, ripe
- 12 lemons
- 12 large oranges
- 11 whole cloves
- 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, grated
- 3 cinnamon sticks
- 1/2 - 1 cup of sugar, to taste
- Wash the corn and boil it in 2 gallons of water (cob and all). Add the cloves, cinnamon sticks and grated nutmeg. Cut one lemon in quarters and put in. Wash the pinneaple well, peel it rather thick and remove the core. Add the peeling and the core to the boiling mixture.
- Allow the mixture to boil moderately for about 2 hours, or until the liquid becomes a deep, rich, reddish purple in color. Remove from the fire and strain the mixture through avery fine sieve OR several thicknesses of cheese cloth, in order to get a very clear liquid.
- Up to this point, the preparation of this punch can well be done from the day before up to a week earlier, as it perfectly keeps in the fridge for several days (up to a week, I would say).
- A few hours before serving, process in the blender the pineapple (cubed), orange juice, lemon juice and sugar to taste, until smoth. THEN, combine with the corn mixture and let rest in the fridge for several hours, allowing the punch to ripen.
- Place the cold mixture in a punch bowl with a large piece of ice. Some like to add sliced strawberries or halved cherries just before serving, as garnish.
Now you have a beautiful, refreshing and very pretty drink to serve your guests in your next party! They would NOT forget about it! :)
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