Thank you Ilva for tagging me for this MeMe!
Well, I won't make you wait any longer, they are:
- Two years ago, when The CookingDiva blog was born, all the recipes and stories were posted in Spanish. Then I decided to write in English too, and created the "TastyDesign" blog (the one you are visiting right now). Time passed and I noticed that most of my visitors where from English speaking countries..., so since then I write recipes in English and post them at the CookingDiva blog.
- I am "obsessive convulsive baker/cooker." I can go on and on for days (just taking short breaks). There was this time when I cooked continuously for 72 hours, then I learned that it is possible to cook in my sleep!
- I prepared my first soup at the age of five. I bugged my mom until she let me do it. I put a little chair in front of the stove, and with her next to me I prepared a delectable fish soup that had everything I could find in the kitchen at the time! Then, my mom helped me to serve it and we (my mom, my dad and little-Mely) had an unforgettable lunch. I was so excited! I was so proud of my parents because they managed to eat the soup :)
- My first fruitcake: After insisting for so many years, mom let me prepare my first fruitcake at the age of 7-8 yo, I am not so sure about the exact age. Since I was a big girl then, with lots of cooking experience (LOL!) she let me do it by myself. She helped me measure all the ingredients and we went through the recipe a couple of times before she went shopping. I was supposed to have the cake batter ready to bake when she returned home. To make the long story short, I can tell you that I had the great idea of tasting the "port wine". Wow,...what a body, what a flavor!!! It was my first time savoring such a thing. Hmmm...., delicious! That is the last memory I have...When my mom came back home I was on my back, on the floor, with my eyes wide open....horrified because the house was spinning! No cake, no nothing. Thanks to that experience I hated alcohol for many many many years :)
- I am the oldest of my parent's three children. My sister Paola was born 5 years after me and she has now a beautiful daughter: Paola Alexandra. I adore that little girl. My mom says that she looks exactly like me when I was that age! My brother Juan Manuel was born 8 years after me and he is a computer genius, and the dog sitter that takes care of Silky-Lu and Anibal when I travel.
- My mother language is actually Portuguese. I lived in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil when I was really young and then went back to Sao Paulo to go to college.
- I have been writing poems in Spanish mostly since I was a teenager. They are all impregnated with tears of love and passion. I have loved too much I guess :)
- I believe that one of the sexiest things in life is "bread dough". Maybe that's why I bake so much :)
- I rarely watch TV, and when I do is the perfect setting to take a nap.
- I love to eat flowers, specially roses, and for that purpose I grow them organically. I also make flower essences from tropical flowers (like the Bach flower essences), for stress relief.
Now I am inviting the following bloggers to continue this meme:
- Kelly from the Make Me Cook blog
- Kelly from the MsABCMom blog
- Sao Mai from the Cocinalia blog
- Tania from the CandiedQuince blog
- Cannella from the Zuccheriera blog
Tags: chef, Panama, cookingdiva, meme, food blogs
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