Nature is so beautiful and great, not only offers us the gift of living in this wonderful place..., but also gives us the remedies to heal our soul and body illnesses. I am a firm believer in natural medicine. Ancient healing techniques, the knowledge hidden in the disappearing rainforest that has been carried generation after generation faces the loss of faith in the mystic world.
A few days ago I wrote an article about Edible Plants: The wonderful Hibiscus, in my other BLOG. It was very interesting to receive feedback from my readers, asking us mostly if "hibiscus is poisonous, toxic to humans and pets", and if "you know of other uses for this plant and flower".
Oh, ...well, YES! I have been researching a little more about this plant, and I haven't found a sign that points that the hibiscus blooms or the leaves are toxic to man or beast. The exception to this is if you use systemic pesticides, if so, don't eat the blooms.
Further on this, in Central America the flowers and leaves of the specie Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and closely related species are eaten OR made in tea (please refer to my previous article) to help cure excessive bleading in women with menstrual problems. In Asia the leaves are eaten to aid digestion. I have met people in Belize rainforest and the Panamanian countryside that drink a concotion of red hibiscus flowers and fresh grated ginger root to increase energy levels, stamina and help cure impotence.
Disclaimer: Advice given by TastyDesign is to be considered guiding only. Although trying to be as correct as possible, the author does not accept responsibility for any adverse results caused by following them. Thanks!
Photo Credits : The Bud, Thank You Andreas!
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