Today I was going through my photo drawer and found lots of great pics. During the next months I will be sharing some of them with you.
So, please do not be shocked when you find a young-ER looking Chef Melissa---yes, I understand your surprise, BUT come happens to ALL of Us: we make hundreds of brownies, a zillion different kinds of breads, hm mm...can't remember how many cakes and cookies, gourmet dinners parties, personal chef services..., etc, etc...and the BEST/WORST part is that: WE EAT MOST OF IT, right...well, almost. Maybe I am exaggerating, but I guess you get the point.
I LOVE IT thou.
The next THREE photos were taken in Jan 2001, during my Personal Chef training at the USPCI (United States Personal Chef Institute) in New Mexico, U.S.
Chef Melissa and Chef Vince Likar (Now, Chef Likar is the National Director of the USPCA) Congratulations Vince!!!
The Chef's night out, why not? :)
A girl has to eat. Well, then, YES. Now I just have to lose all that weight :(
Chef Melissa
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