This is one of my favorite vintage ads...The fact is that MILK is the perfect food for Us -humans-, it is also a wonderful ingredient for beauty creams and lotions.
Being a Professional Chef, I have used milk, cream and butter every day. But I never learned the complete story with facts about -milk-. Now, after reading many books about nutrition, and one of my favorites: The Milk Book - The Milk Of Human Kindness Is Not Pasteurized- by William Campbell Douglass II, MD. I understand. Now I do.
"The Milk Book - How Science Is Destroying Nature's Neatly Perfect Food. Children are denied whole milk because pediatricians are obsessed with the cholesterol myth. These same gutless wonders don't say anything about children drinking half-a-dozen bottles of Coca-Cola a day, stating before breakfast! But kids can't get a decent glass of milk. Adding vitamin D to milk is a risky business. The New England Journal of Medicine reported many cases of vitamin D intoxication resulting from excessive fortification of commercial milk. Today, you can't get a decent glass of milk. Even if you buy whole milk, thinking it is better than that sickly blue stuff called skim, you can't win, because all of the commercial milk is homogenized. I am convinced that homogenization is even more detrimental to the nutritional quality of milk than the heat processing called pasteurization."
Enjoy your MILK!
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